DASH OFFROAD Y62 Full Length Roof Rack
The full length DASH roof rack has been specifically designed for the Y62 to give full functionality of the sunroof. Knowing these are big cars we have kept the height to a minimum.
Dimensions: 2.3×1.4m
Weight: 42kg (allowing 58kg loading)
Only adds 70mm to the overall height of the vehicle
In accordance to Australian Standards AS 1235-2000 – Paragraphs 6.2,6.3&6.4 DASH Offroad has the below ratings to this roof rack
Static load less than 400kg: This is for when the vehicle is not in motion and weight that can safely be added on top of the roof rack, for example, roof top tent and occupants.
On road 120kg: We have conducted destructive testing to prove that this rack can withstand 120kg of additional weight on top of the rack for on road use without causing any deformation or failure. Strongly note that the roof limit for a Nissan Patrol Y62 is 100kg and should not be exceeded. This includes the cargo AND the weight of your roof rack.
Off road 120kg: Three directional dynamic tests were conducted, as stipulated in AS 1235-2000: Cyclic Test – Dynamic factor 3 to 2,000,000, Cycles infinite life. For this roof rack, there will be no penalty of weight rating reduction when used in an off road application. Strongly note that the roof limit for a Nissan Patrol Y62 is 100kg and should not be exceeded. This includes the cargo AND the weight of your roof rack.
City crash test – Frontal impact: The Dash Offroad Roof Rack was tested for 120kg safe load capacity to ISO 11154:2006, TSF3905G and TSF3905G-1 and PASSED all the requirements prescribed by the above standards, without degradation of the system to extend that would affect safety of the vehicle occupants or other road users.